Reclaim Your Scattered Self Technique – FREE

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Release Negative Energy and Reclaim Your Scattered Self©

PART B of Part I  of the Master Your Energy Series © continued


  • To have a working method (tool) to release negative energy and reclaim your scattered energy

 The Breath throughout this practice: breathe gently and slowly in through the nose and out through the mouth.


        I.            Apply: Center and Ground technique >8 min. video to Center and Ground click here

     II.            Become aware of any negativity you are experiencing in your being whether it is physcial, emotional or mental. Explore the associated thoughts, emotions, where it resides in the physical body and false beliefs you have carried which you have created or others have given you. Know that it is all energy-manifest. You can also focus on a specific aspect of your life. The first time I did this I released my negative father energy. It felt like a whole bus flowed down and out.

   III.            Now, using you intent, visualize, imagine, sense this negative energy flowing down through the body to the base of the spine and down though your energy cord into the core of the earth where it is transformed and transmuted. Take your time, use all your senses.

NOTE: You have now created space within yourself. The universe will fill any void, so it is essential to move directly to the GOLD SUN technique to fill this space with conscious intention.


  1. Imagine a magnificent Golden Sun just above your head (crown chakra), about the size of a basketball or beach ball. You can make it as big as you want and expand it anytime you wish.
  2. Call to the Universe to reclaim your scattered energy to enter into this Golden Sun to be transformed and transmuted into perfect energy patterns. Think of those parts of yourself that have been disowned, anger and resentments in relationships, abandonment and so on.
  3. Allow all that of that misused and abandoned energy to come to your Gold Sun, being drawn like a magnet.
  4. Allow your Gold Sun to transform this energy
  5. Now imagine yourself reaching up and poking a hole in the bottom of your Sun, allowing this golden elixir to flow into your Crown Chakra. It’s like golden honey energy flowing into your crown. The crown chakra knows where to distribute this energy, so be in a state of just allowing yourself to be filled.
  6. Once you have a sense that all this perfect energy has flowed in, allow your Gold Sun to wash over you, filling you with its golden glow. Bask for a moment.

NOTE: This is a tool that can be used over the rest of your life. It doesn’t happen all at once. That would blow your circuits.

  1. Bend over and simply let any accumulated energy around the neck, shoulders and upper back roll off.


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  1. April 25, 2010 at 4:00 am

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