Centering and The Radiant Heart – Video

Below is a link to a video of a guided Meditation and Visualization for Grounding, Centering and the Radiant Heart. I have found for myself , friends and my clients this to be a most powerful technique that all people can experience regardless of where you are along your path of personal growth and/or spiritual awakening and consciousness.

The Grounding and Centering is an essential technique and tool for all people especially for those on the path of healing. I hope you enjoy!

CLICK HERE >>Centering and the Radiant Heart

Hugs and Peace


Shafiya Eve

Healing Margo the Dog

The Healing of Margo the Dog

Something was wrong! It was Saturday night, Margo-Rita (Margo), my dog, wouldn’t or couldn’t jump up on the bed. I could hear her stomach growling from across the room, her breathing was heavy and labored. I sat on the floor with her for a bit, deciding to let her be and see how her natural ability to heal would proceed. The next morning she was still suffering great stomach distress and panting heavily. I decided it was time to do a Reiki session.   

When doing a Reiki session, one must be a clear channel for the healing energy, without being attached to the outcome; leaving that to God-Divine. Having no agenda of what or how the healing would unfold was a challenge. Margo is not only a companion but a friend. She has taught me so much. Her joy for life, ever smiling, ever present and her unconditional love for everyone has been a shining example. As pet lovers out there know, our creatures are dear family members.

During the Reiki healing session I let go of my desire of outcome for my beloved pet, trusting God’s will be done. After a while Margo heaved a deep sigh. Her body began to relax and then she passed gas repeatedly (ugh-stinky), she was transforming. As I continued the Reiki, her breathing settled down, she gave several deep sighs and fell asleep, just like my clients!

Reiki is genuinely holistic and non-invasive. It promotes balance – in body, mind and spirit and is valuable in boosting the immune system. It is used in many prestigious hospitals in our country in conjunction with traditional therapies like Chemotherapy and Radiation. I recently worked with a client going through Chemo and Radiation with remarkable results. Overwhelming clinical research has proven, Reiki alleviates pain and accelerates healing time. Reiki promotes wellness in people and animals.

Later that day I did one more session on Margo, her breathing completely stabilized, she released more noxious odors and was back to her usual joyful self. “These things ye shall do and more.”

Researching Reiki’s use on animals, I discovered it is used worldwide by animal lovers and is growing rapidly in popularity. So for all the skeptics who think much of the healing and relief people experience is just the power of suggestion, animals may be the greatest proof positive. Just watching Margo lie there with the ability to just be and see the dramatic changes and healing occur was astonishing. Even to me it was an amazing testimonial.