Inner Peace in Five Weeks

Inner Peace in Five Weeks By Shafiya Eve

Peace is your natural state of being. How do you regain you real inheritance of love, joy and peace? Here is a five week program that will amaze you and change your life. You have nothing to lose except your fear and anxieties in life and it only takes ten minutes a day.

First, decide you want peace. Second, set as your true priority a time every day, preferably in the morning to meditate and or pray. Ten minutes is just fine, more is good too. Third, read something uplifting each day.

Week One – Gratitude: Look for every reason to be grateful. Let the gratitude move from your head to your heart. Get really creative, you have a whole week to explore the myriad opportunities to be grateful. This changes your outlook and the miracles will begin to unfold.

Week Two – Love: Love is our life’s purpose. Learning to love ourselves and others is the key to opening all the doors to your possibilities. This week practice loving everyone you come across, including yourself! Practice extending love where ever you are and whatever you are doing. Hold a space of love for everyone you encounter, a smile, a nod. You will feel this love radiating back to you filling you with glowing warmth. One of the outcomes of this practice is a loss of unnecessary fear and a powerful sense of happiness.

Week Three – Positivity: The most important of all factors in your life is the mental thoughts you live on. It is the food which you furnish to your mind that determines the whole character of your life. Monitor your thoughts this week and choose new positive thoughts to replace any negative thoughts. This will be easier than you might imagine, you have already been preparing yourself for this with Weeks One and Two practices. You will be uplifted with a surge of confidence.

Week Four – Generosity: the more we share, the more we have, it is a universal law. This week go out of your way to do unto others, as you would have others do unto you. Be creative in ways to be there for people. This will help you to remember your true nature, experience peace and create a wave of love and happiness that will spread and multiply though out the world.

Week Five – All Together Now: If you are not already amazed, you will be! Prepare for the true essence of inner peace to empower you and the world around you. This week practice all four practices simultaneously. After this, what will you do for an encore?

Shafiya Eve is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Healing Touch, EFT Practitioner and Meditation Guide with office in Kilmarnock, Warsaw and phone sessions nationwide. She can be reached at (804) 580-0702,  Shafiya is also on Facebook.

Centering and The Radiant Heart – Video

Below is a link to a video of a guided Meditation and Visualization for Grounding, Centering and the Radiant Heart. I have found for myself , friends and my clients this to be a most powerful technique that all people can experience regardless of where you are along your path of personal growth and/or spiritual awakening and consciousness.

The Grounding and Centering is an essential technique and tool for all people especially for those on the path of healing. I hope you enjoy!

CLICK HERE >>Centering and the Radiant Heart

Hugs and Peace


Shafiya Eve

Is God a Goddess?

I recently received a comment from a reader who was upset that I referred to God not only as God but also as Goddess and wanted to know if I thought God was a Goddess.

Doing a little research on the names of God, gee there are many. Maybe everone is right. I do not see God as an elderly gentleman with a long flowing white beard, but if someone else does and that is how they relate to the Divine, so be it and bless them for believing in a Power Greater than themselves.

My prayers usually include Mother, Father, God, The Light of Christ, Spirit, Universe…  These are all words, which as humans it seems impossible that we could wrap ‘”The All that IS” into one little neat word or phrase.

I use the word God because it is commonly accepted in having a discussion. I don’t think God has the same ego dynamics as human beings and is an all pervading presence.

Maybe the question between God and Goddess is, are we comfortable knowing and experiencing The Divine in the feminine?

I do think and feel that the Divine, Great Spirit, Supreme Being, Lord, OM – AUM, The All, The Universe, Father, Mother, recognizes the call from all inspired hearts regardless of culture or semantics and is beyond distinctions and differences.

It would be wonderful to hear what you have to contribute to the exploration of unity!