After a Reiki Attunement

After a Reiki Attunement it takes approximately 21 days for the energies to fully integrate in the individual. During this time there is a  physical emotional and mental cleansing process that can occur in varying degrees. These “toxins” that no longer are of use may be released along with old thought patterns and emotions.

Even though this releasing is a good thing it can be very confusing and deeply uncomfortable for some. It may seem difficult to but it is helpful to be able to sit with this cleansing process, knowing it will pass, and allowing it to be what it is with a strong dose of compassion for yourself. Being able to witness this process and see what it has been. There are other techniques in my Channeling Energy Part I which help to Center, Ground and Release Negative Energy and Reclaim Your Scattered Self. Go here for a free download of these techniques.

I recommend the drinking of LOTS of pure water, soaking in hot baths (comfortably hot) with salts like epson, sea salt, baking soda to ease and excellerate the detoxing period. Also extremely important is getting Reiki sessions and doing Reiki on one’s self. Other useful healing tools are juicing, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits to assist the bodies natural healing process and meditation.

You are cleaing the wreckage of the past. This too will pass that you will move into being your true authentic Self.