What I see on my own path of healing and those who come to me for “energy healing” is that false beliefs about oneself and unresolved emotional traumas are the underlying cause of many of our diseases and unfortunate life patterns. Further, by resolving and/or correcting these issues the Son-Light of the Soul is no longer blocked and flows effortlessly through us. Hence the healings, which I consider true healings, are ones that occur on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.
EFT  (Emotional Freedom Technique) isn’t “the only way”, but it is “a way” that
is serving many people to live a life free from the emotional bondage of past events and false, self defeating beliefs, replacing them with acceptance and love. One needs only the courage to look within.

We can espouse a theory on healing all we want. To me, the proof is, does it work?  That’s what attracted me so whole heartedly to EFT. EFT is a gentle tapping procedure which clears the body’s energy meridians. It was originally designed by and for the psychotherapy profession to clear emotional disturbances. It soon became evident that profound physical healings were also taking place. 

EFT’s discovery statement is “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”  These disruptions can be caused by myriad experiences such as rape, abuse, traumas of all sorts: physical, emotional, mental. Something as seemingly small as being ridiculed in front of the class in grade school to war memories, can create energy disruptions which we carry with us and manifest in other areas of our life.

In Doctor George G. Ritchie’s book Ordered to Return, George quotes a Rhodes Scholar and Chairman of the Department of Pathology at the Medical College of Virginia “…you who would be doctors. Something happens to a human being from the time he is well until the time he becomes clinically sick which is not included in scientific medicine as we know it today. Human beings do not suddenly become sick. Did you ever stop to think the word disease comes from two words dis (without) and ease (bliss, well being, happiness)? Do not man’s thoughts and actions lead to disease?”

So our unfortunate life patterns and our physical symptoms seem to be neon signs, red flags, if you will,  pointing the way to our deepest healings. When this happens my favorite prayer is “Thank you for the blessings before me which I cannot see.” Indeed, being given a message of dis-ease and looking within we are given an opportunity.  

I plan on teaching EFT workshops this winter and spring. If you are interested in learning EFT for your personal use, as part of your healing service to others, or would like an appointment, please contact me.

Shafiya Eve is a Reiki/EFT/HT energy-healing practitioner in the Northern Neck with offices in Kilmarnock and Warsaw and can be reached at Healing Energetics (804) 580-0702 or email: Shafiya@reiki-eft.net  or www.reiki-eft.net

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