What Is Emotional Freedom?

What Is Emotional Freedom?

By Shafiya Eve

Are you free or do you carry emotional baggage that prevents your every attempt for inner peace and outer success? Your emotional freedom is at your fingertips and you can tap into it.

Do you ever feel or think that you are not “good enough” or slim enough, smart enough, pretty enough, rich enough, nice enough, patient enough. Are you haunted by previous experiences or events in your life by things you did, others did, you didn’t do, others didn’t do? Are you anxious or stressed. Do you feel blocked from moving forward by some unknown barrier? Is your happiness like a “coming event” when a certain something happens or you’ve accomplished, succeeded, been recognized, THEN you will be happy?  What would it be like to be free from these mysterious route responses and self-defeating beliefs?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an emotional version of acupuncture (without the needles) wherein we stimulate certain meridian points by tapping on them with our fingertips. Since emotional stress can contribute to pain, disease and physical ailments, we often find that EFT provides astonishing physical relief.

First let me explain the nature of some of this emotional baggage which I refer to as energy disruptions. All of our experiences are imprinted in our subconscious. When we have experienced a trauma or repetitive negative input we develop an energy disruption. When a trauma or negative experience occurs it’s like putting a screw driver in the back of the TV and twisting in around the wires and you get a zzzzt (energy disruption) in your energy body.

Here is an example. Many years ago I accepted a job which required air travel across the US. On my first trip out of town I arrived at Richmond International Airport to depart, as soon as I entered the airport I began crying, for no reason. It was one of those sobbing cries, most embarrassing and quite befuddling to me. Once I got on the plane, I was fine and had no further upset through flight changes and my return flight home. Next trip out of Richmond, I enter the airport and the tears began to flow. I was at a loss as to what was going on with me. Life was good. Finally after much soul searching it dawned on me that the last time I saw my brother, a Marine pilot, his was waving goodbye at that very airport before his departure. He died a few months later in a mid-air collision.

There was 20 years between his passing and my airport sobbing experience. Once I realized the connection and worked with my grief issues regarding my brother, those trips out of town no longer were tearful and I experienced greater peace about my brother’s passing.

Another example is with a client who lives out of state and we did EFT phone sessions. I’ll call him Sam. Sam couldn’t understand why his business was not flourishing. He was a veteran marketer and knew he had all the right ingredients for success but everything seemed blocked. As we began our EFT tapping sessions, Sam revealed he had been immensely successful previously but with the turn in the economy had lost everything. It had been a deeply painful and bitter experience for him. In fact it became apparent he was terrified of his success because he might lose it all again. We worked quite a bit tapping on those fears until he could no longer feel that connection. The session was a great success to Sam and he has emailed me many times with gratitude and how well his business is going now.

One of EFT’s primary strengths is its ability to dramatically reduce, or eliminate, the sting of your emotional issues, based on a theory that negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body’s energy system and that tapping on acupuncture points while focusing on a specific traumatic memory balances the system, thereby neutralizing the negative emotion.

The best thing about EFT is that anyone can do it. There is skill in delivery that an experienced practitioner offers and you can develop that for yourself as well.

For a free EFT manual click here.

Heal the past, enjoy the present, and look forward to a happier future.

Shafiya Eve is a Reiki Master Teacher and EFT Practitioner with offices at the Healing Place in Kilmarnock, Warsaw and offers healing Sessions by Phone. To schedule an appointment call (804) 580-0702 or email: Shafiya@reiki-eft.net, web: www.reiki-eft.net , I will be facilitating EFT Classes in the Fall.  If you are seeking a guide on your path of healing, I am humbly delighted to be of service.


What I see on my own path of healing and those who come to me for “energy healing” is that false beliefs about oneself and unresolved emotional traumas are the underlying cause of many of our diseases and unfortunate life patterns. Further, by resolving and/or correcting these issues the Son-Light of the Soul is no longer blocked and flows effortlessly through us. Hence the healings, which I consider true healings, are ones that occur on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.
EFT  (Emotional Freedom Technique) isn’t “the only way”, but it is “a way” that
is serving many people to live a life free from the emotional bondage of past events and false, self defeating beliefs, replacing them with acceptance and love. One needs only the courage to look within.

We can espouse a theory on healing all we want. To me, the proof is, does it work?  That’s what attracted me so whole heartedly to EFT. EFT is a gentle tapping procedure which clears the body’s energy meridians. It was originally designed by and for the psychotherapy profession to clear emotional disturbances. It soon became evident that profound physical healings were also taking place. 

EFT’s discovery statement is “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”  These disruptions can be caused by myriad experiences such as rape, abuse, traumas of all sorts: physical, emotional, mental. Something as seemingly small as being ridiculed in front of the class in grade school to war memories, can create energy disruptions which we carry with us and manifest in other areas of our life.

In Doctor George G. Ritchie’s book Ordered to Return, George quotes a Rhodes Scholar and Chairman of the Department of Pathology at the Medical College of Virginia “…you who would be doctors. Something happens to a human being from the time he is well until the time he becomes clinically sick which is not included in scientific medicine as we know it today. Human beings do not suddenly become sick. Did you ever stop to think the word disease comes from two words dis (without) and ease (bliss, well being, happiness)? Do not man’s thoughts and actions lead to disease?”

So our unfortunate life patterns and our physical symptoms seem to be neon signs, red flags, if you will,  pointing the way to our deepest healings. When this happens my favorite prayer is “Thank you for the blessings before me which I cannot see.” Indeed, being given a message of dis-ease and looking within we are given an opportunity.  

I plan on teaching EFT workshops this winter and spring. If you are interested in learning EFT for your personal use, as part of your healing service to others, or would like an appointment, please contact me.

Shafiya Eve is a Reiki/EFT/HT energy-healing practitioner in the Northern Neck with offices in Kilmarnock and Warsaw and can be reached at Healing Energetics (804) 580-0702 or email: Shafiya@reiki-eft.net  or www.reiki-eft.net

Get your FREE EFT MANUAL – click here

Let It Begin with Me

I frequently watch my clients enter with pain and anguish etched in their facial expressions. Usually this is the result of disruptions or imbalances in their energy or body’s electrical system. These disruptions can be caused by a myriad of things, such as the IRS, difficult relationships (past and present), physical conditions, grief, life transitions, childhood traumas, life’s everyday stressors, even the weather.

At the end of their healing sessions they emerge transformed, embodying profound peace and relaxation. Many of their issues no longer are painful and burdensome. “Can you imagine feeling this way all the time?” I ask. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful!” is the response. It is more possible than you may think.

“All negative emotions are caused by an imbalance in the body’s energy system.” Gary Craig, founder of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

 “Someday the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses.” Eric Robins, MD.

Actually, medical science has been using instruments to measure the electrical impulses (energy) of the body for years. Examples are the electroencephalograph (EEG) which records the electrical activity of the brain and the electrocardiograph (EKG) which records the electrical activity of the heart. Einstein also told us long ago that everything is a form of energy. Quantum physics states that energy and matter are interchangeable, and the String Theory suggests that differences in physical matter are simply variations in energy vibrations. Indeed, our electrical (energy) systems are vital to our emotional as well as our physical health.

Ancient practitioners of Chinese medicine taught that energy flows along meridian lines in the body. These meridian points act as a governing force in healing and growth. When the energy points are blocked or unbalanced, the person experiences emotional disturbance or dis-ease. If not corrected but compounded, it could be the cause of many diseases.

Dr. Roger Callahan, a cognitive psychologist, found that by directly treating the blockage in the energy flow along the meridians created by a disturbing thought pattern, the disturbance or upset disappears. It virtually eliminates any negative feeling previously associated with a thought. It makes me think of when a computer program locks up on you and rebooting the computer resets everything back to normal.

Alternative Health Practitioners have found ways to use this vital energy system to help physical and emotional healing. Among practitioners working with this energy system are Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors and Energy Healers.

On my personal path of healing and as an energy-healing practitioner I have found a multi-directional approach most affective and have received great benefit from the traditional medical profession, chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritionists, massage therapy, prayer and gratitude, as well as being the recipient of the energy-healing methods used in my practice. I rejoice in the benefits of profound peace and the healings that occur on many levels for myself and others.

The first step toward world peace is personal inner peace. As the song goes, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”

Three Life Changing Gifts

Three Gifts That Changed My Life

For the longest time I thought that Reiki and Healing Touch were the end all of all end alls. (Don’t get me wrong, they are incredible tools for healing and personal growth.) Little did I know that my own health issues would bring me to my knees and ultimately to my healing, which I must add, continues to be an ongoing process. In the process I was forced to expand my healing horizon.

In 2003 I had an MRI which revealed stenosis in the neck. As I understand this, it means that the spinal column is closing in on the spinal cord, OUCH! Last year the headaches became a predominate factor in my life.  It became a rare occasion not to have a headache and their severity was beyond bearing. Life became a living hell.

It was humbling to have to resort to the medical profession for help but that too was a part of my healing and opened my eyes to the imminent value in a multi-directional approach to health and healing.

During this time I received 3 gifts that would change my life. The first was a prayer from a friend, Cindi, “Thank you for the blessings before me which I cannot see.” This became my mantra, at first they were just words, more like wishful thinking. I vividly remember the day, sitting outside, under a tree, looking at the water when this prayer blossomed in my heart and I KNEW that everything was OK and the sense that I was truly safe swept through me. The course of my life changed at that moment. This prayer continues to be an eternally blossoming flower in my heart and being.

The second gift was also from Cindi who introduced me to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).  Cindi shared about a friend who suffered Post Traumatic Stress disorder from war. He had been forced to attend a workshop on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) but thought it was a bunch of woo woo bunk. He was soon amazed and for the first time found relief from the debilitating pain of his horrific memories. EFT is a simple tapping procedure that gently realigns the body’s energy system. EFT incorporates an emotional element to the healing process addressing unresolved emotional issues as a likely cause of physical disease, psychological dysfunction, and personal performance limits.  EFT heals by clearing energy disruptions in a decidedly remarkable way.

The third gift came from my sister Paulette, who offered to pay for my EFT training. I began studying EFT with a joyous passion and I was my first guinea pig, using it on those screaming unbearable headaches. The headaches were gone after about 20 minutes of tapping on my energy meridians. This was miraculous! Now I see these sorts of healings daily with such things as bladder problems, emotional/physical trauma, fears, phobias, pain, car accidents, life-long issues and so on. EFT isn’t perfect, of course.  But it usually works well and the results are sometimes spectacular.  It often works where nothing else will.

My website: www.riverstobay.com/healing.asp

Get your FREE EFT MANUAL click here!