What Is Emotional Freedom?

What Is Emotional Freedom?

By Shafiya Eve

Are you free or do you carry emotional baggage that prevents your every attempt for inner peace and outer success? Your emotional freedom is at your fingertips and you can tap into it.

Do you ever feel or think that you are not “good enough” or slim enough, smart enough, pretty enough, rich enough, nice enough, patient enough. Are you haunted by previous experiences or events in your life by things you did, others did, you didn’t do, others didn’t do? Are you anxious or stressed. Do you feel blocked from moving forward by some unknown barrier? Is your happiness like a “coming event” when a certain something happens or you’ve accomplished, succeeded, been recognized, THEN you will be happy?  What would it be like to be free from these mysterious route responses and self-defeating beliefs?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an emotional version of acupuncture (without the needles) wherein we stimulate certain meridian points by tapping on them with our fingertips. Since emotional stress can contribute to pain, disease and physical ailments, we often find that EFT provides astonishing physical relief.

First let me explain the nature of some of this emotional baggage which I refer to as energy disruptions. All of our experiences are imprinted in our subconscious. When we have experienced a trauma or repetitive negative input we develop an energy disruption. When a trauma or negative experience occurs it’s like putting a screw driver in the back of the TV and twisting in around the wires and you get a zzzzt (energy disruption) in your energy body.

Here is an example. Many years ago I accepted a job which required air travel across the US. On my first trip out of town I arrived at Richmond International Airport to depart, as soon as I entered the airport I began crying, for no reason. It was one of those sobbing cries, most embarrassing and quite befuddling to me. Once I got on the plane, I was fine and had no further upset through flight changes and my return flight home. Next trip out of Richmond, I enter the airport and the tears began to flow. I was at a loss as to what was going on with me. Life was good. Finally after much soul searching it dawned on me that the last time I saw my brother, a Marine pilot, his was waving goodbye at that very airport before his departure. He died a few months later in a mid-air collision.

There was 20 years between his passing and my airport sobbing experience. Once I realized the connection and worked with my grief issues regarding my brother, those trips out of town no longer were tearful and I experienced greater peace about my brother’s passing.

Another example is with a client who lives out of state and we did EFT phone sessions. I’ll call him Sam. Sam couldn’t understand why his business was not flourishing. He was a veteran marketer and knew he had all the right ingredients for success but everything seemed blocked. As we began our EFT tapping sessions, Sam revealed he had been immensely successful previously but with the turn in the economy had lost everything. It had been a deeply painful and bitter experience for him. In fact it became apparent he was terrified of his success because he might lose it all again. We worked quite a bit tapping on those fears until he could no longer feel that connection. The session was a great success to Sam and he has emailed me many times with gratitude and how well his business is going now.

One of EFT’s primary strengths is its ability to dramatically reduce, or eliminate, the sting of your emotional issues, based on a theory that negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body’s energy system and that tapping on acupuncture points while focusing on a specific traumatic memory balances the system, thereby neutralizing the negative emotion.

The best thing about EFT is that anyone can do it. There is skill in delivery that an experienced practitioner offers and you can develop that for yourself as well.

For a free EFT manual click here.

Heal the past, enjoy the present, and look forward to a happier future.

Shafiya Eve is a Reiki Master Teacher and EFT Practitioner with offices at the Healing Place in Kilmarnock, Warsaw and offers healing Sessions by Phone. To schedule an appointment call (804) 580-0702 or email: Shafiya@reiki-eft.net, web: www.reiki-eft.net , I will be facilitating EFT Classes in the Fall.  If you are seeking a guide on your path of healing, I am humbly delighted to be of service.

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